WEIGHT: 61 kg
Bust: Medium
1 HOUR:80$
Overnight: +50$
Services: Toys, Massage erotic, Tantric, Tie & Tease, Food Sex
One of the most hilariously named institutions in the world, Swinging Richards is reportedly one of the best male entertainment clubs in the USA.
They even offer a bit of pre-gaming online by posting photos and stats of each dancer. You will be asked to leave or purchase a pair of shorts. Yelp reports varied reviews. The author may have just found a way to supplement his Matador salary.
For the love of all that is matrimony, do not let your significant other attend a business conference in Montreal because there is no business conference in Montreal. There is Bar Taboo. Tawan is one of the longest running gay clubs in Bangkok, catering specifically to those who like massive roid-monsters. A strip club near the airport in Phoenix. No good can come of this. This is the joint where American Idol contestant David Hernandez once worked, reportedly appearing fully nude and performing lap dances.
Start googling, perverts. This place looks ridiculously raunchy. Snips and snails and puppy-dog tails and we got them all 7 nights a week.
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